Beta: Automake Crafting Meta

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Posts: 28

Beta: Automake Crafting Meta

Post #1 »

I set out to build an automated, dependency-aware crafting meta that could take the place of the old Make It! plugin.

Dependency-aware meaning that if you try to craft Deadly Arrowheads but in your inventory you have arrowheads, Bloodseeker oil, and Bloodhunter oil it will first craft greater arrowheads, then craft deadlies.

There's no configuration needed other than your success % dialog has to be disabled. Just load the meta and in any channel type "!make X Recipe" with X being the number of items you want to make and Recipe being the case-sensitive name of the item you want to craft. It does require Mag-Tools to be installed as VTank expressions can not apply one item to another item of the same name, while Mag-Tools can. So Mag-Tools usei command is used for the actual crafting part.

If you have all the items needed to craft your request, down to the very bottom of the pyramid of requirements, it will craft X amount of items then stop. If runs out of base components (components that it can not craft, or tools) then it will just reset to the default state. When it is finished it will say "Finished".

The recipes included are from wubbie's recipe list. Anything that consists of one item being applied to another item will work and can be added. If you look at any item state you can see how the recipes are constructed. Every recipe is a single rule in a single state. The name of the state must be the exact case-sensitive name of the item.

Healing Carrot Cake:

Code: Select all

State: Healing Carrot Cake
Condition: Always
Action: All {
    ExprAct setvar[use, Health Oil]
    ExprAct setvar[on, Carrot Cake]
    ExprAct setvar[skill, Cooking]
    ExprAct setvar[difficulty, 100]
    Call: CraftLoop, return to: CraftLoopReturn
Currently skill and difficulty are not used for anything. If you don't know just set them to "None" and 0, respectively. I added them because the information was in the recipe list already but after importing it realized that data was very incomplete. It's only there in case I decided to do something with it in the future.

To do:
  • Add some sort of skill check. Will need to fill in missing skills and difficulties first.
  • Attempt to use Mag-Tools to make the meta interact with the success % dialog.
  • Add meaningful error message when a component is missing.
  • Add more recipes.
Please test it out and let me know if you run into any problems.
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Posts: 38

Post #2 »

Will this do chorizite potions

Posts: 28

Post #3 »

Fire_Chimp wrote:Will this do chorizite potions

Posts: 38

Post #4 »

Tried about a dozen times to get it to work and it wouldn't. Then I reread your instructions and saw the phrase case-sensitive. Dam I am a dumb ass. It worked. Great job

Posts: 28

Post #5 »

Fire_Chimp wrote:Tried about a dozen times to get it to work and it wouldn't. Then I reread your instructions and saw the phrase case-sensitive. Dam I am a dumb ass. It worked. Great job
I wrote the damn thing and this gets me like 50% of the time I try to run it.

Posts: 3

Post #6 »

hmmm, caught the case sensitive part, typed in !make 200 Condensed Dispel Potions, then went with just Condensed Dispel Potion, still nothing, i hate using tings for this as it crashes my AC, am i doing something wrong, i noticed condensed dispel potions are not in the list either, is this one of the ones not available yet??