GM: Better Leg key and Mana Forge Key Metas

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GM: Better Leg key and Mana Forge Key Metas

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Now, I have added the colo chest to the Legendary Key meta, as well as maybe changed the times per each pull, i had to increase the colo chest to being open for like 20 seconds cause i like to pick up quills and inks and element glyphs.

Also, for the mana forge key meta, i added strengthened.. and possibly braced, i can't remember, i know i just added strengthened keys to it, and made the time 3/18/20 instead of 3/12/15, so that you can stand longer and pick up stuff if you're at keys. i passed a 20MD, +16 base no spells nether wand and got really pissed cause my void is only 150 and i was like WTF i coulda used that. anyway rant off.
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Leg Keys @ arwic and Colo Keys
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