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Simple Question I Hope

Posted: June 26th, 2015, 2:33 pm
by Lrd_Hawk
i use vtank in a basic fashion. just to help my little 6 man group. now that my toons are starting to get max level. and i am starting to dabble in the T8 area's . I find it a bit of a pain to get them to all recall or pop into a portal at the same time. is there a list of commands that i can use to control the whole group. example. send command for fellow to /ls or use portal at the same time. most times i am able to make it work but the odd time one of them will run off.

next question. is there a plug in or a way to set a low Comp/item level. to maybe flash or just output a annoying text in my chat window. i am the bad at keeping heal kits and tapers stocked.

and a comment ........ as i read the various boards seams a lot of people feel like the miss the days of old when you could get portal stormed out of a town and so on, with worlds with smaller populations, why could we not as a whole switch to 1 or 2 servers and start over. is the game not about fun and the journey. or is it to be maxed and have tons of items and weapons that we never really use. I would start over again on any server if we could see the days of old again. i have played off and on scene 99 like so many other people. i just love the game and interaction of others. Housing and monarchies would be fun again. my 2 cents.

thanks for any info on my above questions.

Re: Simple Question I Hope

Posted: June 26th, 2015, 3:23 pm
by HellsWrath
The meta system allows you to control multiple characters quite easily. In fact, both myself and Dmdtt have released Multi-Char control metas for you to build off of. ... ar_Control

Virindi Integrator Fellowships allow you to add comps to the Comps tab of Integrator so you can see all chars comp ratios at a glance. ... ellowships

Each server has a unique community. Also, private servers will be releasing eventually. There's no real point in making the change right now imo.

Re: Simple Question I Hope

Posted: June 26th, 2015, 3:32 pm
by Lrd_Hawk
thank you for the info. i was sure the meta system could be used, guess i just need to look and start to understand it. Guess a slow day at work has some advantages lol. :idea:

i use the comp and item view tool. guess i should just be more mindful.

Re: Simple Question I Hope

Posted: June 26th, 2015, 5:52 pm
by HellsWrath
Learn to meta so you can have your guys automatically recomp so you never have to worry about it =p

If you are logged in to Virindi Integrator type /vij SomeFellowshipName on each client.
Now every time you log in you will automatically be put in to that group.

You will receive a new icon on the VVS bar, a loyalty/leadership icon. That is your vi2 fellowship view.

Open Virindi Integrator (beer mug, where you log in) go to the Comps tab. Add all comps you want tracked on each char.

Open the Vi2 fellowship panel and you will now see all your chars comps


Re: Simple Question I Hope

Posted: June 26th, 2015, 11:14 pm
by Lrd_Hawk
Very Nice, thank you for taking the time to point that out.
I guess if you don't look to far under the hood you will never notice the super charger.

and to think i was getting used to basic... thank you again.

Re: Simple Question I Hope

Posted: June 26th, 2015, 11:28 pm
by HellsWrath
Haha any time.

Check out the Beginner Bundle Guide and Customize Your Views as well ... undleGuide ... _Your_View

Re: Simple Question I Hope

Posted: July 2nd, 2015, 9:57 am
by Lrd_Hawk
Thank you HellsWrath.

this has set me on a course that is making things a lot easier to control my little group. Now i am having Ink Fever! "get a tattoo and now want more" lol.

and i add the mag tools witch gives other commands that able to be used.

I know it should be possible but not normally done due to others beaning able to affect someones group. Commands like to have the group switch to a magic casting mode and cast a recall or /ls commands.

wish i had more free time to dig deeper into meta. but what i am understanding if i set the metas to only accept commands form my leader i could lock others out. i am always at the keys 99.9% time. then i could add the lifestone recall commands and maybe even summon portals. With 6 toons i am trying to have a nice array of portals i can use. a custom command meta for each.

I love to lock window setting in mag tools, makes having 6 toons across 3 monitors really easy. go big or go home :).

meant this as a statement more then questions i will do my research and try. if i am way out to lunch please let me know, and thank you again.

Re: Simple Question I Hope

Posted: July 2nd, 2015, 10:59 pm
by yaroz
to do the /ls, just create a route with it, so you don't have to worry about switching to casting mode and all of that. As for the issue of listening just for the leader, you could put an Any{chat:Char1 tells you.., chat:char2 tells you..} and list all of the characters that you play on.

Re: Simple Question I Hope

Posted: July 3rd, 2015, 7:17 am
by Immortalbob
yaroz wrote:to do the /ls, just create a route with it, so you don't have to worry about switching to casting mode and all of that. As for the issue of listening just for the leader, you could put an Any{chat:Char1 tells you.., chat:char2 tells you..} and list all of the characters that you play on.
even though this would work fine, i disagree, he should be using a regex command line.

Code: Select all

(^(\[[A-z]+?\] |)You|.*\<Tell:IIDString:.+:(Name1|Name2|Name3|Name4|etc)\>.+\<\\Tell\>) (say|says|think|tells you), \"!command\"$

Re: Simple Question I Hope

Posted: July 3rd, 2015, 8:55 am
by yaroz
Oh yeah.. that too..