[Resolved] problem looting...

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[Resolved] problem looting...

Post #1 »

Recently returning player.

Just installed decal, virindi bundle, magtools and alinco3

downloaded immortalbob's lootsnobv4, utilized that to make my own little salvaging & valuables profile.

Carefully setup a route, and all my settings and vTank is running around, fighting what it's supposed to how it's supposed to. it even opens up the corpses, and grabs scrolls I don't know yet. But even though alinco3 is notifying me that items are matching what I want (such as salvage requirements, etc...) vtank just skips them and continues on.

I can't figure it out for the life of me. Any insights?
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Last edited by Tobei on February 26th, 2016, 9:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post #2 »

Do you have looting enabled in Vtank and the loot profile loaded in Vtank profiles tab?

Alinco is irrelevent unless you have Vtank Loot Profile set to alinco.los and are using the Alinco looting settings, however they are outdated (pre-tier8) and the plugin has been unsupported for over 2 years. The developer moved on to GearFoundry.

http://www.virindi.net/wiki/index.php/B ... undleGuide

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Post #3 »

Yea I had looting enabled in vTank and the loot profile was loaded in the profiles tab.

I managed to get it to work with the .los profile name and alinco3. It's limited, but it's at least picking stuff up for me now.

Can't for the life of me figure out why it wouldn't work with my vtank looter profile.

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Post #4 »

BTW: I had to give up on using Alinco3 as a looter, for some reason it wasn't saving my loot profiles and everytime I closed the client or it crashed I had to reset it up like it was new again... Super annoyed right now...

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Post #5 »

Like I said, Alinco3 is outdated and unsupported.
You also should never install anything AC related to Program Files (if Decal went there by default that's fine, but plugins should not be)
There are read/write permissions with Program Files / Program Files (x86) that stop certain plugins from saving settings and profiles

When you load the lootsnob loot profile in Vtank you should receive blue text in your chat bar saying it was successfully loaded.
[VTank] [Virindi Tank Classic Looter] Load profile C:\Games\Decal Plugins\Virindi Plugins\VirindiTank\LootSnobTier8.utl successful (file version 1)
Or do you receive a different message, perhaps saying it was corrupt and did not load properly?

There's also the option to use GearFoundry, which was developed by some of the same people that worked on Alinco, has many of the same features. It can connect to Vtank like Alinco does with alinco.los

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Post #6 »

No it shows up saying that it was successful (file version 1). No problem in that regard. And vtank goes through the motions, opening all the corpses up, but it seems to only grab scrolls I don't know. Everything else it doesn't even "look" at. After a big group of corpses I turn it off, and manually go through and find all the items that it should have caught with the loot profile easily.

So I uninstalled all my plugins, uninstalled decal, reinstalled decal, changed it's ownership (just incase), reinstalled all my plugins to their default directories, resetup all my plugins from scratch... Redid my .nav file, redid my .utl file, loaded it all up and it took off like its supposed to just as before, but the same problem persists. It just skips over the loot entirely regardless of my loot profile.


And while preparing a fully screenshotted walkthrough of my woes I discovered the problem.

Somehow, someway, I had a duplicate of my entire virinditank folder in a bad spot. And the Tobei.utl there was 1kb (the one I uploaded actually) and all it has in it is the salvage mixing values... destroyed that folder, replaced my broken .utl file with the actual one... voila, working like a charm.

Thanks for the patience, and thanks HellsWrath for pointing out the obvious for me, which led to me thinking down a road I wouldn't have otherwise.
