Lost Plugin Data

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Posts: 16

Lost Plugin Data

Post #1 »

Hey guys,
So when the servers came back up, I got on and realized all my plugin settings were reset. It looks like everything in C:\Users\username\Documents\Decal Plugins basically got wiped. The rest of my hard drive is fine, and my games folder is fine. But I lost all my mule profiles, vit comp settings, vwt profiles, vsense data, magsuit data, etc. I'm curious if anyone knows why this might have happened? I was wondering if maybe Windows 7 deleted it on a restart or something because it wasn't being used. Thanks.

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Post #2 »

Never had this happen to me...and i don't have a solution. You may have just lost the data...
Immortalbob of MT

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Post #3 »

Interesting, you aren't the first person I've heard say this, but unfortunately I have no answer.
I don't see a reason for the files to self-delete after 2 weeks. They are user documents, they shouldn't *ever* be deleted by your computer.

Posts: 16

Post #4 »

Thanks for the replies. I guess I just need to start backing up more of my data. I back up my vtank folder, but I never worried or thought about losing anything else. I've never had a bad experience with a hard drive crashing or anything like that, so I've been really bad about backing stuff up.

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Post #5 »

This has hapend a few times to my accounts and I have my accliant crash a few times each day, I'm on win 10.

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Post #6 »

Reincinerate wrote:This has hapend a few times to my accounts and I have my accliant crash a few times each day, I'm on win 10.
Strange, I have several Win10's that run 24/7 and haven't had files delete or any crashes.

Are you playing in fullscreen?

Some graphics drivers aren't fully functional with Win10 yet and give problems in fullscreen. Do a google search for fullscreen gaming in Win10 and you'll find numerous people having problems.

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Post #7 »

I also run win10 and haven't had this issue. I recommend writing a quick batch file on your desktop to backup your files to another drive (like a thumb drive or external hdd).

Here is a quick example on how you could do this using 1 file for backup and 1 for restore:
AC and Docs Backup Example.zip
(1.41 KiB) Downloaded 359 times
Backup Docs.zip
(948 Bytes) Downloaded 328 times
This file is more friendly than the first and completely unedited version of what I actually use. All you have to replace is the 4th line that reads: SET backupdrive=S:

Replace "S" with the drive letter you are backing up to. You can mess with the rest of the file paths as you see fit. This second file will work on whatever user account you are logged into in the windows operating environment.

Also delete any lines that pertain to programs you don't use, like Vivaldi, Ventrilo, minecraft, TS3, or whatever.

I wanted to upload this before AC actually goes offline. Best of luck to all of you! :)


(Extract these two files to your desktop or other desired folder.)

RIGHT-CLICK on the file and hit 'Edit'! Then replace this:


with your user account name!


In this case you would replace USERACCOUNTNAME with Lucas

Also replace the
with the drive letter you are backing up to.

Once you have done this, save, close, double-click on the file to run it. You may have to wait a while depending on how many files you have in your documents folder.