Ivory to Colo Ring Meta

Unofficial support for the creating and editing of metas.
Posts: 10

Ivory to Colo Ring Meta

Post #1 »

thought it would be simple, it was kinda a mind f*ck, couldnt figure out how to do it without 2 char;s because of the fact commands to use item on item it doesnt know which rings have been imbued

iso someone to make a youtube video on how to use expressions, and would it be possible using those?

Posts: 271

Post #2 »

no only way to ivory a large amount of colo rings is to send the use command
/mt usep Salvage on Empyrean Ring
then send a give command for Empyrean Ring to another character. one alternative if you only have 1 character is you can use your house chest. have the chest open then send the give command to the chest and your character will drop the item into the chest. then if you need to transfer it to a mule you can use magfilter commands to log in your mule load up the meta that causes him to open the chest and loot the rings.

Posts: 129

Post #3 »

This is what I've been using for a long time... The only bug I've run into is when I get a bag of old salvage with the old name... it just won't use it. I give the guy that's holding all of the rings the number of bags that he needs, then just start the meta and change the state.

Oh.. and change the var in the _LoadVars state to the toon you want to give the ivoried rings to.
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Posts: 21

Post #4 »
