GM: "AutoCrafter" (Updated Ver: 1.8) Nearly everything update...

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GM: "AutoCrafter" (Updated Ver: 1.8) Nearly everything update...

Post #1 »

This Meta will automatically craft many items. Full list in the third post in this thread.

A "View" will be created with a "Go" button, this starts the auto-craft process. Specialty items will also have their own button in the "View".

Starting the auto-craft process will attempt to make every item possible from the list below, if the components are in your inventory. Be aware.

EXAMPLE: If you want to make a Wrapped Bundle of Deadly Acid Arrowheads, you will need at least 1 Wrapped Bundle of Arrowheads, 1 Brimstone Pea, 1 Quicksilver Pea, 1 Stibnite Pea, 3 Concentrated Aqua Incanta and an Alembic in your inventory.

If it does not craft something it is likely that you don't have the skill that is required trained, OR you are missing a tool/component. It does not check whether your skill is high enough to succeed, just that the skill is trained.

For this to work, you need VTank obviously, Mag-Tools is only required for items with the same name that are combined together, such as Pyreal Motes.

You probably also want to either load in some stam rations to the items tab, or have life magic to restam until the devs remove the stupid stamina burn on crafting...

one last thing, you must turn off the crafting chance of success dialog for this to function if you use it:
/config UseCraftSuccessDialog off
/config UseCraftSuccessDialog on

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Immortalbob of MT

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Post #2 »


Version 1.8
-Added Tools: lots
-Added Recipes: tons, see the full list

Version 1.7
-Now toggles Autostack on/off to speed up crafting (a little)
-Heavy Grinder tool functionality added
-Baking Pan tool functionality added
-Brew Kettle tool functionality added (to be available with TOD patch)
-Beers added to AutoCrafter view (to be available with TOD patch)
-Beer crafting is untested at the time of this release
-Roasted Beans now automatically made if you have a Baking Pan and some Brown Beans
-Chocolate Liquor now automatically made if you have a Heavy Grinder and some Roasted Beans
-Ground Ginger now automatically made if you have a Heavy Grinder and some Ginger
-Hot sauce now automatically made if you have a Mortar and Pestle and some Hot Peppers
-Cinnamon now automatically made if you have a Mortar and Pestle and some Cinnamon Bark

Version 1.6
- Cleaned up meta by compressing "Make" states by ~25%.
- Added message upon first load outputting available skills and tools. (1 = available, 0 = unavailable)
- Added Eye Dropper tool support.
- Added Shattered Legendary Key to future proof it.
- Added keyring carving from golem hearts. All keyrings supported. (Must press button in view)
- Added Health Oil
- Added Concentrated Health Infusion, and Concentrated Health Oil
- Added Victual Infusion and Victual Oil.
- Added Concentrated Victual Infusion, and Concentrated Victual Oil. (Get made, and then broken down into unconcentrated versions if Eye Dropper tool available)
- Added Mana Oil
- Added Concentrated Mana Infusion, and Concentrated Mana Oil. (Get made, and then broken down into unconcentrated versions if Eye Dropper tool available)
- Fixed Make-ChoriziteOil state order.
- View no longer reloads after each crafting interaction. (pressing go)

Version 1.5
- Added Thick Diamond Oil (Must press button in "View")
- Added Perfect Diamond Infused Pyreal Ingot (Must press button in "View")
- Now has "Apply", and "To" buttons, select the object to apply, and hit "Apply" button, select the object to apply to and hit the "To" button. Press "Go"
- "Reset" button added, this will reset the meta to it's normal waiting state, and clear Apply/To variables.
- Can now edit the Stack Seconds in the *** Edit Here *** state at the top of the meta. (How many seconds will the stack state be called for.)

Version 1.4:
- Added Health/Mana Infusion
- Added Trade Health/Mana Elixer (Must press button in "View")
- Added Condensed Dispel Potion (Must press button in "View")
- Added Infused Quill of Introspection/Benevolence/Infliction/Extraction (Must press button in "View")

Version 1.3:
- Name changed to AutoCrafter
- New "View" is created when meta is started, must press Go to start crafting now
- Golem Hearts now require Carve Golem Hearts to be pressed on the "View"
- Added Key Carving (granite, marble, sing, directive, master, black marrow, mana forge, falatacot)
- Added Chorizite Arrowheads (Must press button in "View" for Chorizite Arrowheads)
- Added Barbed Arrowheads
- Added Ground Chorizite
- Added Chorizite
- Added Pyreal Sliver/Nugget/Bar/Ingot (Must press button in "View" for Pyreal Bar/Ingot)

Version 1.2:
- Crafts Health/Mana Rations, both simple, and elaborate (Does not fully cook)
- crushes dye plants, and then neutral balms them into vials of dye
- carves obsidian, wood, and copper hearts for intricate keys
- combines Treated Hyssop, and Treated Mandrake from the Plentiful Healing Kit components you get from bobo
- Now checks to see if you have the skill required for the crafting interaction
- Checks to see if you have the tools required for the crafting interaction (Alembic, Intricate Carving Tool, etc)
- Enables Peace Mode When Idle, and Auto Stack in vtank

Version 1.1:
- Using expressions now to craft instead of mag-tools chat commands. Mag-tools no longer required.

Version 1.0:
- Initial Release
- crafts greater and deadly arrowheads of all elements
Immortalbob of MT

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Post #3 »

What tools it supports:
Mortar and Pestle
Barbed Fletching Tool
Chorizite Fletching Tool
Intricate Carving Tool
Baking Pan
Brew Kettle
Heavy Grinder
Carving Knife
Cooking Pot
Noodle Cutter
Metal Press
Frying Pan

What it can make:

Concentrated Bloodseeker Infusion/Oil
Concentrated Bloodhunter Infusion/Oil
Concentrated Bludgeoning Infusion/Oil
Concentrated Piercing Infusion/Oil
Concentrated Slashing Infusion/Oil
Concentrated Fire Infusion/Oil
Concentrated Frost Infusion/Oil
Concentrated Lightning Infusion/Oil
Concentrated Acid Infusion/Oil
Concentrated Mana Infusion/Oil
Concentrated Victual Infusion/Oil
Concentrated Health Infusion/Oil
Bloodseeker Infusion/Oil
Mana Infusion/Oil
Health Infusion/Oil
Victual Infusion/Oil
Crushed Dye Plants
Vials of Dye
Ground Chorizite
Pyreal Ingot (Mag-Tools Required)
Trade Health Elixer
Trade Mana Elixer
Condensed Dispel Potion
Thick Diamond Oil
Perfect Diamond Infused Pyreal Ingot
Alchemy Grenades of All Levels
Fine Oiled String
Excellent Oiled String
Health Draught
Potion of Healing
Mana Draught
Mana Potion
Tiriun Spore Powder

Simple Dried Health Rations
Simple Dried Mana Rations
Elaborate Dried Health Rations
Elaborate Dried Mana Rations
Roasted Beans
Chocolate Liquor
Ground Ginger
Hot Sauce
Keg of Amber Ape
Keg of Bobo's Stout
Keg of Tusker Spit Ale
Keg of Apothecary Zongo's Stout
Keg of Duke Raoul's Distillation
Keg of Hunter's Stock Amber
Cured Mushroom Stalk
Tiriun Stalk Jerky
Roasted Tiriun Cap
Tiriun Cap Wafer
Roasted Tiriun Spores
Tiriun Spore Powder
Chicken Piece
Ground Meat
Raw Egg Noodles
Mana Pizza
Healing Pizza
Hearty Pizza
Hearty Mana Pizza
Hearty Healing Pizza
Famous Pizza
Mana Famous Pizza
Healing Famous Pizza
Hearty Famous Pizza
Hearty Mana Famous Pizza
Hearty Healing Famous Pizza
Healing Holtburger
Mana Holtburger
Hearty Holtburger
Hearty Healing Holtburger
Hearty Mana Holtburger
Healing Applesauce
Mana Applesauce
Hearty Applesauce
Hearty Healing Applesauce
Hearty Mana Applesauce
Spiced Applesauce
Healing Spiced Applesauce
Mana Spiced Applesauce
Hearty Spiced Applesauce
Hearty Healing Spiced Applesauce
Hearty Mana Spiced Applesauce
Carrot Stock
Rich Carrot Stock
Carol's Carrot Soup
Mana Carrot Soup
Healing Carrot Soup
Hearty Carrot Soup
Hearty Healing Carrot Soup
Hearty Mana Carrot Soup
Hot Kimchi
Healing Hot Kimchi
Mana Hot Kimchi
Hearty Mana Hot Kimchi
Hearty Healing Hot Kimchi
Frozen Cream
Frozen Green Tea
Ice Cream
Healing Ice Cream
Mana Ice Cream
Hearty Ice Cream
Hearty Healing Ice Cream
Hearty Mana Ice Cream
Green Tea Ice Cream
Healing Green Tea Ice Cream
Mana Green Tea Ice Cream
Hearty Healing Green Tea Ice Cream
Hearty Mana Green Tea Ice Cream
Olthoi Batter
Olthoi Cake Batter
Cocoa Powder
Chocolate Olthoi Cake Batter
Olthoi Carrot Cake Batter
Olthoi Cake
Chocolate Olthoi Cake
Olthoi Carrot Cake
Meat Pie
Healing Meat Pie
Mana Meat Pie
Hearty Meat Pie
Hearty Healing Meat Pie
Hearty Mana Meat Pie
Fish Pie
Healing Fish Pie
Mana Fish Pie
Hearty Fish Pie
Hearty Healing Fish Pie
Hearty Mana Fish Pie
Chicken Pie
Healing Chicken Pie
Mana Chicken Pie
Hearty Chicken Pie
Hearty Healing Chicken Pie
Hearty Mana Chicken Pie
Mushroom Pie
Healing Mushroom Pie
Mana Mushroom Pie
Hearty Mushroom Pie
Hearty Healing Mushroom Pie
Hearty Mana Mushroom Pie
Rabbit Pie
Healing Rabbit Pie
Mana Rabbit Pie
Hearty Rabbit Pie
Hearty Healing Rabbit Pie
Hearty Mana Rabbit Pie
Apple Pie
Healing Apple Pie
Mana Apple Pie
Hearty Apple Pie
Hearty Healing Apple Pie
Hearty Mana Apple Pie
Spiced Apple Pie
Healing Spiced Apple Pie
Mana Spiced Apple Pie
Hearty Spiced Apple Pie
Hearty Spiced Healing Apple Pie
Hearty Spiced Mana Apple Pie
Healing Cake
Mana Cake
Hearty Cake
Hearty Healing Cake
Hearty Mana Cake
Carrot Cake
Healing Carrot Cake
Mana Carrot Cake
Hearty Carrot Cake
Hearty Healing Carrot Cake
Hearty Mana Carrot Cake
All Dye Pots (DISABLED)
Pickled Fish
Anchovy Dough
Fried Anchovy Dough
Cinnamon Dough
Fried Cinnamon Dough
Mushroom Rice
Mushroom and Rice Dough
Fried Mushroom Dough
Cookie Dough
Chocolate Cookie Dough
Peppermint Chocolate Cookie Dough
Chocolate Cookie
Peppermint Chocolate Cookie
Hot Milk
Sweetened Hot Milk
Hot Chocolate
Peppermint Hot Chocolate
Hot Chocolate with Marshmallows
Peppermint Monougat Chew
Chocolate Ice Cream
Nanner Halves
Nanners and Ice Cream
Nanner Split
Chocolate Cake Batter
Chocolate Cake
Bitter Milk
Chocolate Milk
Mocha Base
Crushed Ice
Rich Mocha
Rich Iced Mocha
Candied Apple
Spiced Lump
Spiced Lumpy Flour
Rich Lumpy Flour
Fruitcake Batter
Cooked Pumpkin
Pumpkin Liquid
Sweetened Pumpkin
Spiced Pumpkin
Pumpkin Pie Filling
Pumpkin Soup
Pumpkin Pie
Stuffed Grape Leaf
Stemless Mushroom
Cheese Filled Mushroom
Stuffed Mushroom
Pickled Egg
Bowl of Rice
Carrot Cake Cubes
Carrot Cake Soup
Spiced Milk
Ginger Bread Dough
Uncooked Gingerbread Men (Human, Lugian, Drudge, Pumpkin)
Gingerbread Men (Human, Lugian, Drudge, Pumpkin)
Nanner Dough
Nanner Bread
Nanner Covered in Chocolate
Chocolate Covered Nanners
Drudge Gut Sausage
Spicy Sausage

Wrapped Bundle of Greater/Deadly Arrowheads
Wrapped Bundle of Greater/Deadly Acid Arrowheads
Wrapped Bundle of Greater/Deadly Fire Arrowheads
Wrapped Bundle of Greater/Deadly Lightning Arrowheads
Wrapped Bundle of Greater/Deadly Frost Arrowheads
Wrapped Bundle of Greater/Deadly Frog Crotch Arrowheads
Wrapped Bundle of Greater/Deadly Blunt Arrowheads
Wrapped Bundle of Greater/Deadly Armor Piercing Arrowheads
Wrapped Bundle of Greater/Deadly Barbed Arrowheads
Wrapped Bundle of Greater/Deadly Chorizite Arrowheads

Combined Hyssop and Mandrake

Intricate Wooden Key
Intricate Copper Key
Intricate Obsidian Key
Granite Key
Marble Key
Singularity Key
Shattered Legendary Key
Shattered Mana Forge Key
Directive Key
Master Key
Broken Black Marrow Key
Mana Forge Key
Skeletal Falatacot Key
Black Coral Keyring
Black Marrow Keyring
Burning Sands Keyring
Directive Keyring
Granite Keyring
Marble Keyring
Master Keyring
Singularity Keyring
Skeletal Falatacot Keyring
Sturdy Iron Keyring
Sturdy Steel Keyring

No Skill:
Pyreal Sliver/Nugget/Bar (Mag-Tools Required)
Infused Quill of Introspection
Infused Quill of Benevolence
Infused Quill of Infliction
Infused Quill of Extraction
Twisted Sclavus Tongues
Braided Sclavus Tongues
Twisted Drudge Ravener Guts
Braided Drudge Ravener Guts

Possible Future Additions:
I'm open to suggestions for more...

alchemy protection gems

No Skill:
Scintillating Gems (Mag-Tools Required)
Immortalbob of MT

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Posts: 676

Post #4 »

Updated to 1.4
- Added Health/Mana Infusion
- Added Trade Health/Mana Elixer (Must press button in "View")
- Added Condensed Dispel Potion (Must press button in "View")
- Added Infused Quill of Introspection/Benevolence/Infliction/Extraction (Must press button in "View")
Immortalbob of MT

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Post #5 »

Updated to 1.5
- Added Thick Diamond Oil (Must press button in "View")
- Added Perfect Diamond Infused Pyreal Ingot (Must press button in "View")
- Now has "Apply", and "To" buttons, select the object to apply, and hit "Apply" button, select the object to apply to and hit the "To" button. Press "Go"
- "Reset" button added, this will reset the meta to it's normal waiting state, and clear Apply/To variables.
- Can now edit the Stack Seconds in the *** Edit Here *** state at the top of the meta. (How many seconds will the stack state be called for.)
Immortalbob of MT

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Post #6 »

Updated to 1.6:
- Cleaned up meta by compressing "Make" states by ~25%.
- Added message upon first load outputting available skills and tools. (1 = available, 0 = unavailable)
- Added Eye Dropper tool support.
- Added Shattered Legendary Key to future proof it.
- Added keyring carving from golem hearts. All keyrings supported. (Must press button in view)
- Added Health Oil
- Added Concentrated Health Infusion, and Concentrated Health Oil
- Added Victual Infusion and Victual Oil.
- Added Concentrated Victual Infusion, and Concentrated Victual Oil. (Get made, and then broken down into unconcentrated versions if Eye Dropper tool available)
- Added Mana Oil
- Added Concentrated Mana Infusion, and Concentrated Mana Oil. (Get made, and then broken down into unconcentrated versions if Eye Dropper tool available)
- Fixed Make-ChoriziteOil state order.
- View no longer reloads after each crafting interaction. (pressing go)
Immortalbob of MT

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Post #7 »

Updated to 1.7
-Now toggles Autostack on/off to speed up crafting (a little)
-Heavy Grinder tool functionality added
-Baking Pan tool functionality added
-Brew Kettle tool functionality added (to be available with TOD patch)
-Beers added to AutoCrafter view (to be available with TOD patch)
-Beer crafting is untested at the time of this release
-Roasted Beans now automatically made if you have a Baking Pan and some Brown Beans
-Chocolate Liquor now automatically made if you have a Heavy Grinder and some Roasted Beans
-Ground Ginger now automatically made if you have a Heavy Grinder and some Ginger
-Hot sauce now automatically made if you have a Mortar and Pestle and some Hot Peppers
-Cinnamon now automatically made if you have a Mortar and Pestle and some Cinnamon Bark
Immortalbob of MT

Posts: 1

Post #8 »

Can you add chorizite potions? Vitriol + chorizite powder = chorizite potions

Used in spellcasting

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Post #9 »

I'll add it to the list if i ever get back to this.
Immortalbob of MT

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Post #10 »

souki wrote: July 4th, 2021, 10:17 am Can you add chorizite potions? Vitriol + chorizite powder = chorizite potions

Used in spellcasting
I just checked

its already in there? ground chorizite + vitriol

edit: just realized I think its part of the button press for the dispel potions...

edit 2: no its not, it should work automatically
Immortalbob of MT