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GM: "BuffCaster" - A Meta Buffbot (Ver 1.9.1)

Posted: October 13th, 2018, 2:45 pm
by Immortalbob
Chat Commands:

Code: Select all

Buff Commands: war, void, missile, heavy, light, finesse, two, trade, tink, xp, buffs, strength, lore, prots, baneshield, brill, weapon, wand.
Bot Commands: primary, secondary, mm, tn, stats, whereto, loc, cancel, reset, heal, stam, mana
--reset command is disabled by default in the *** Edit Here *** state.
Listed from top to bottom of *** Edit Here *** state:

1. Version 1.9.1
3. Seconds Till Next Buff. The amount of seconds until the bot wants to buff itself. 3300 is 55 minutes. 300 per 5 minutes.
4. Face Heading. Set to the heading you wish your bot to face normally. 0 = North, 90 = East, 180 = South, 270 = West and everything in between
5. Idle Peace Mode always/never
6. Max Distance. the maximum distance a player can be from you and still receive buffs. (in meters)
7. Min Health The minimum of each vital before the bot attempts to regain said vital.
8. Min Stamina The minimum of each vital before the bot attempts to regain said vital.
9. Min Mana. The minimum of each vital before the bot attempts to regain said vital.
10. Create View - This creates the small 2 button interface for pause/resume and reset.
11. Allow Reset. Allows the use of the reset password. (Must set reset password in the line below.)
12. Reset Password. Set your password to enact the reset state. (Only works if the line above is set to always.)

14. PortalBot, Set to always to enable the portal bot, never to disable it.
15. Summon Spell Level, set to 1, 2, or 3 to choose which level of summon spell you use.
16. Primary tie name
17. Secondary tie name
18. Primary heading for summoning portals. 0 = North, 90 = East, 180 = South, 270 = West and everything in between
19. Secondary heading for summoning portals. 0 = North, 90 = East, 180 = South, 270 = West and everything in between

21. Silent Mode. Set to never or always to toggle silent mode (no spam)
22. Seconds Till Next Spam. The amount of seconds between spamming local chat. 1800 is 30 minutes, 300 per 5 minutes.
23. No Begging, set to always to disable begging when components are low.
24. Seconds Till Next Beg. The amount of seconds until it begs for comps in local chat when below spell component thresholds (<250 tapers, <5 platinum scarabs, or <5 mana scarabs.)
25. Location name.
26. Spam One, you must escape special characters and digits with a \, but never the brackets ([])
27. Spam Two, you must escape special characters and digits with a \, but never the brackets ([])
28. Spam Three, you must escape special characters and digits with a \, but never the brackets ([])
29. Spam Four, you must escape special characters and digits with a \, but never the brackets ([])
30. Spam Five, you must escape special characters and digits with a \, but never the brackets ([])
31. Goodbye message, you must escape special characters and digits with a \, but never the brackets ([])

33. Brilliance Bot. Set to never on the left side to disable casting brilliance.
34. Refill Focusing Stone. Set to never if you don't wish to refill the focusing stone upon each brill.
35. Refill Charge. Name of the Mana Charge you wish to use to refill the Focusing Stone.
36. Master Mage Gem usage. Set to always or never to enable/disable.
37. Master Mage Gem Name. Set to the name of the gem you wish to open. (Stock setting is Celdiseth's Portal Gem)
38. Town Network gem usage, set to never or always to enable/disable it.
39. Use Healing Kits to regain health, always/never

41. PreBuff, set to always to enable prebuffing (foc/self/creature of 1 lesser level before main self buff routine)
42. Recharge Vitals Other, set to always to allow the heal, stam, or mana commands
43. Secondary Combat Skills. Set to always to cast Dirty, Reck, Sneak, and Dual in main buff loop.
44. Assessment Skills. Set to always to cast Assess Person, Assess Creature, and Deception in the main buff loop.
45. Buff Self Spell Level, set to 6, 7, or 8
46. Buff Other Spell Level, set to 6, 7, or 8
47. Bane Spell Level, set to 6, 7, or 8
48. Item Spell Level, set to 6, 7, or 8
49. Regain Vitals Self Spell Level, set to 6, 7, or 8
50. Recharge Vitals Other Spell Level, set to 6, 7, or 8

1. does not respond to @tells while it is already in the chat handler, cycling the queue, or clearing variables after a completed buff cycle. All of these go by very fast, inevitably some @tells will be lost to them.
2. does not respond to @tells while checking target distance, or spell components availability. These go by very fast, inevitably some @tells will be lost to them.
3. double casts a buff when lag strikes.
4. only gives thanks for gifts from the main loop. (while awaiting a command)
5. will cast brill, open master mage gems, and/or summon portals in the middle of buffing someone else and then return to buffing to save time.
6. queue's up to 1 player being buffed, and 9 in line.
7. only supports buffing with level 6, 7, and 8 spells.

1. Vtank
2. Magtools

Current Version:
v1.9.1 beta
(191.25 KiB) Downloaded 1296 times
XML for MiMB
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Previous Versions:
(190.16 KiB) Downloaded 1392 times
(184.48 KiB) Downloaded 808 times
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(180.72 KiB) Downloaded 748 times
(171.05 KiB) Downloaded 706 times
(153.91 KiB) Downloaded 885 times
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(136.75 KiB) Downloaded 690 times
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(115.91 KiB) Downloaded 705 times
(115.84 KiB) Downloaded 690 times
(111.34 KiB) Downloaded 744 times
(106.27 KiB) Downloaded 773 times

Re: GM: "BuffCaster" - A Meta Buffbot (Ver 1.0)

Posted: October 13th, 2018, 2:48 pm
by Immortalbob

Version 1.9.1
-heal kit usage now functions
-probably other things

Version 1.9.0
-the *** Edit Here *** state has been rearranged, and cleaned up
-condensed spell settings in the *** Edit Here ***
-Bugfix: Brill will now work right when using idle peace mode
-Bugfix: Idle Peace Mode was interrupting buffing at times, no more
-regaining vitals has been moved to its own new state "Vital Management"
-MinHealth option added
-bot will now make use of the health to mana, and heal self spells when appropriate
-UseHealingKits option added (you need one in your consumables tab)
-added headers to some states/substates
-added more stats to the "stats" command
-will now respond from some more states that it would ignore @tells from before

Version 1.8.0
-Feature: Now loads (and autogenerates) the BuffCaster.usd Settings file, this way the settings changes buffcaster makes won't affect your default settings profile.
-Feature: Will now set the vtank spell casting threshold according to the level of spell you are trying to cast. This should allow people that are just under the artificial limit vtank needs to cast by letting the meta adjust the SpellDiffExcessThreshold-Hunt vtank option.
-Bugfix: Aura of Incantation of Hermetic Link Self added to self eights (instead of HL7).
-Bugfix: Spam changed to forcibly include -b-, moved to *** Edit Here *** state, *** Edit Spam Here *** state removed.
-Feature: Peace Mode When Idle option added.
-Feature: A very simple "View" has been added with Pause/Resume, and Reset Buttons for quick access.
-Feature: recharges vitals when asked for "heal" "stam" or "mana" (toggled on by default)
-Bugfix: fixed minor bug in queue manager that might have messed up the 9th queue slot.
-Feature: now verifies whether you have your revitalize self and stamina to mana spells learned.

Version 1.7.0
-Bugfix: eliminated infinite loop bug introduced in last version.
-Bugfix: Buff-Self state will no longer skip remaining spells if a lag spike occurs.
-Bugfix: No longer double casts a buff after recharging mana/stamina
-refactored all of the buff states into one, bringing the line count down 19.3%, from 446 lines to 360, and the size down by 12 kilobytes.
-substantial amount of cleanup performed, and efficiency increased.
-Feature: added a personalized Reset password option to the edit here section.
-Feature: added new buff cycle "mule" for str end quick and run buffs.

Version 1.6.0
-Added in secondary combat skills (reck, sneak, dual, and dirty) to the main buff loop, must be enabled in edit here state.
-Added in assessment skills (assess person, assess creature, and deception) to the main buff loop, must be enabled in edit here state.

Version 1.5.0
-Bugfix: Responds to the correct person now while summoning portals and @tells are received.
-Bugfix: No longer double casts fletching in the "trade" cycle.
-Feature: Checks if spell is learned before casting, should skip unknown spells and move on.

Version 1.4.0
-Added most alternate commands that match up with Castaway
-Can now queue up to 9, with 1 buffing!
-added a check in case recharging vitals fails to return on its own

Version 1.3.2
-Now supports ALL versions of Light Weapons Mastery Other VI/VII and Missile Weapons Mastery Other VI/VII (16)
-If brilliance is NOT cast within 5 seconds, bot will ask for the Refill Charge necessary to refill the mana stone, and return to what it was doing prior.
-There is now configurable goodbye messages found at the bottom of the *** Edit Here *** state

Version 1.3.1
-delays fixed for summoning portals, it should switch headings again before summoning.
-added ability to set your summon spell level to 1 2 or 3 (default 1)

Version 1.3
-Buffing system overhaul part 1, "variable-ized" the buff ID's to allow for expanding to lesser level buff sets.
-Can now cast 6's, 7's, and 8's.
-Regaining vitals can now be set to 6's 7's or 8's (there is no stamina to mana 8)
-The Buff-Self state has been cleaned up substantially, and has been made more efficient.
-Now will attempt to regain stamina/mana when necessary while self buffing.
-New PreBuff option added, it will cast the next level lower foc/self/creature spells before doing its main buff routine.
-Will now check for Pyreal Scarabs for level 6 self buffs, as well as Gold Scarabs if PreBuff is enabled.
-No Begging mode added, when turned on, it will not beg for comps when low.
-When begging for comps, it now begs for the specific component it is running low on.
-Will only beg for components it is set to use, for instance if you are using sixes to buff, it wont beg for plats.
-Now supports both possible Missile Weapon Mastery Other VII spells. (old arwic professors vs new)

Version 1.2.1
-fixed bug that would lock the macro up. No longer responds to requests while summoning a portal.

Version 1.2
-will now choose either Nuhmudira's Enlightenment, or Arcanum Enlightenment VII depending on which you have in your spell book
-you can now enable/disable the portal bot by setting the appropriate variable to always/never in the *** Edit Here *** state
-silent mode (no spam) can now be enabled/disabled in the *** Edit Here *** state
-can now make use of Town Network Portal Gems, enable/disable in the *** Edit Here *** state
-speaks in open chat when summoning a portal now

Version 1.1
-now @tells portal requester the name of the location requested (Egg Orchard, Town Network, etc) along with the trigger word (primary/secondary).
-now disables the brilliance bot if there is no focusing stone in your inventory, regardless of brillbot setting.
-now casts loyalty and leadership self buffs
-master mage gem usage, will open a portal to the master mage (gem selected by bot owner in the edit here state)
-60 second timer between mm gem uses to prevent trolls from burning your gems too fast...but they still can...slowly
-disables master mage gem usage if no gems in inventory

Version 1.0:
-Initial Release
-Responds to various buff related commands (listed in post above)
-Buffs self, and manages it's own vitals
-Queue's up to 5 players
-Casts brilliance
-Summons portals
-Randomized local chat spam

Re: GM: "BuffCaster" - A Meta Buffbot (Ver 1.0)

Posted: October 13th, 2018, 6:46 pm
by Dmdtt
awesome job bob, now edit your control meta to integrate a call for this to buff alts in a multi bot setup :)

Re: GM: "BuffCaster" - A Meta Buffbot (Ver 1.0)

Posted: October 13th, 2018, 7:24 pm
by Immortalbob
Dmdtt wrote:awesome job bob, now edit your control meta to integrate a call for this to buff alts in a multi bot setup :)
theres someone doing that via skunkworks on reefcull right now, 30 seconds full buff

Re: GM: "BuffCaster" - A Meta Buffbot (Ver 1.0)

Posted: October 16th, 2018, 9:58 pm
by Hozz
Is there somewhere for dummies to make buffcaster work? :D

Re: GM: "BuffCaster" - A Meta Buffbot (Ver 1.0)

Posted: October 16th, 2018, 11:22 pm
by Immortalbob
just put the meta file inside your vtank directory, and load it into the meta profiles drop down, enable meta, and start vtank?

Re: GM: "BuffCaster" - A Meta Buffbot (Ver 1.0)

Posted: October 20th, 2018, 12:12 am
by CasterofApokalypse
Whereto doesn't seem to be working (tried whereto, Whereto, Where to, where to, in /say and /tell; none worked). Also when casting portals, it won't say the name I put in for the location.

Re: GM: "BuffCaster" - A Meta Buffbot (Ver 1.0)

Posted: October 20th, 2018, 12:48 am
by Immortalbob
CasterofApokalypse wrote:Whereto doesn't seem to be working (tried whereto, Whereto, Where to, where to, in /say and /tell; none worked). Also when casting portals, it won't say the name I put in for the location.
be sure you edited the portal names in correctly, dont forget the bracket on the end.

Code: Select all

setvar[Primary Tie, NameHere]
setvar[Secondary Tie, namehere]
as for not saying the name, what do you mean?

Re: GM: "BuffCaster" - A Meta Buffbot (Ver 1.0)

Posted: October 23rd, 2018, 4:20 pm
by CasterofApokalypse
Yep I made certain of those things. As for saying name, I'm talking about when you summon the portal in response to "primary" or "secondary" it just says primary and secondary, rather than the names I put in. Like it says "Now summoning portal to Primary". Not sure why it won't respond to "whereto" at all. I've made certain that I only replaced the words in the meta. Spaces and brackets are all still exactly how I found them.

Re: GM: "BuffCaster" - A Meta Buffbot (Ver 1.0)

Posted: October 23rd, 2018, 4:52 pm
by Immortalbob
it doesnt say which it's opening, i can add that in the next version. as for why its not responding, I really dont worked for me, and i made no changes when i uploaded it...