What I've spent the last few days doing

Emulator related stuffs
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What I've spent the last few days doing

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Shortly after the announcement from Turbine that we would be getting private servers, I acquired a Dell PowerEdge T310. For 2+ years it collected dust in my closet waiting for the release, but alas...WB screwed us.

The good news however, is that there is a great team of individuals working on the AC Emulator. So...a few days ago I decided to dust off the server and get things set up.

I decided (eventually) that I wanted to run more than one world, and to do that I would likely need to run VM's (Virtual Machines). So I did what anyone would do, and i decided to take the difficult route. 20 hours later I was then running a Citrix XenServer, with VM's of Windows Server 2012(to do the actual work), and Windows 7 Ultimate(for testing). I plan to eventually run more win server vm's when necessary. These are things i've never done before...

Once everything was testing well, and functional, I decided it was time to learn how to create databases in MySQL, and learn how to build a project from source code in Visual Studio. These are also things i've never done before...

I can now run the early builds of ACEmulator, fully connectable from inside my network at the moment...outside connections will come soon once i figure out whats wrong.

I'm also planning to set up a PhatAC Emulator soon just for kicks, but the big win here was getting all my ducks in a row for when ACE is consumer ready.

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20170212_084101.jpg (3.87 MiB) Viewed 10575 times
ACERunning.png (8.01 KiB) Viewed 10575 times
Immortalbob of MT

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Posts: 6

Post #2 »

You can use @teleloc to teleport out of the dungeon. @teleloc holtburg for example. The full list is in the mysql database.

They have the entire world there, but no npc's or items yet.

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Posts: 676

Post #3 »

oh ya i know, just didnt feel like it for the video. Wanted to just show that it functions enough to login.
Immortalbob of MT