How Do You Deal With Archer Speed/Accuracy Slider?

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Posts: 128

How Do You Deal With Archer Speed/Accuracy Slider?

Post #1 »

My archers are getting to mid level and I figured it was time to start optimizing them. I noticed they default to max accuracy and I didn't see an easy way to adjust that on the fly for my 4 archers. Anyone have thoughts?
The first thing that popped into my head is set it at max speed and search for a successful hit message, ramping up accuracy every couple shots till you get one. To be honest I don't even know if we have access to adjusting that bar though (probably /mt send).

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Post #2 »

With VTank there is the advanced melee option for "AutoAttackPower"

However, when it is on and you turn it off, it doesn't actually turn off until you click somewhere on the power bar.

There is no easy way to do what you want, /mt click xy may work, but it would be a gnarly meta.
I just keep AutoAttackPower False and set it manually for different locations, but not per mob.

Posts: 271

Post #3 »

either what hw said or if you are in an area where you are usually switching between 80-100% you can get recklessness and switch macro setting for use recklessness on/off with autoattackpower true and it will switch between 80-100%.

Posts: 128

Post #4 »

Came up with a solution that I'm pretty excited about. I had to add alternate keyboard keys using AC because I couldn't get /mt send msg to work with [Insert] or [Page Up] but no big deal.
Essentially I am looking for an 'evaded your' text to dial up accuracy. After a set amount of time I try to dial it back down for speed(set at 20 seconds just for testing, a minute or more seems reasonable for actual usage).
Down the road I think if you wanted to get fancy you could use a variable and store your evades, then react off of however many you are comfortable missing before adjusting the slider.
Almost forgot; AutoAttackPower should be off.

Edit: I'm thinking it should be some sort of "all" condition with combatstate=missile

Edit2: Updated file. Now it has logic to keep track of which spot on the bar it's at. Once it goes max accuracy it won't try again, and once it drops to one spot above max speed(still in recklessness area) it'll stop. Still want to figure out how to only try while in combat mode.
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Posts: 128

Post #5 »

Best thing I can think of is have !combat on turn off peace mode when idle, and set a flag to activate my accuracy code inside of default Chaos_Control state. On !combat off deactivate my code and turn peace mode when idle back on. I think I'll mess with that this weekend unless someone else has a better idea.

Posts: 271

Post #6 »

one way you could take this further is use meta to track each evade setvar[Evade, getvar[Evade]+1] and compare it to a stopwatch you have running divide number of evades by (elapsed seconds of the stopwatch/60) and you can get avg evades per min. you can use this output and compare it to a set variable setvar[AllowEvadesMin, 5] and if (getvar[Evades]/(stopwatchelapsedseconds[getvar[Stopwatch]]/60))>=getvar[AllowEvadeMin] have it auto adjust the accuracy. and also you could adjust it the other way so if no evades on average for several minutes lower the accuracy bar.