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Possible to make a money maker?

Posted: September 24th, 2014, 5:18 am
by Pigfish
I'm always dirt poor, like 3mmd poor. would it be possible to make a meta that will collect items, sell them, then turn them into MMDs while I drink coffee and eat a biscuit?

I'm not really good with this meta stuff, it's confusing to me.

Re: Possible to make a money maker?

Posted: September 24th, 2014, 8:54 am
by HellsWrath
(This should be in the meta forum)

Totally possible, yes, but the Auto Buy/Sell option in mag-tools will not sell armor/weapons, only salvage/peas.

Salvage value was nerfed from 400k max to 75kmax, so you lose some value when salvaging now.

Quests make more money. MMD's are rewarded for many quests nows, as well as killtasks.

You would just need a hunting route, a "to vendor" route, and a return route

You run the hunting route, with a meta listening in Default state for low packslots or low comps.
When triggered, switch to a Recomp state
Inside Recomp state load a navroute that brings you to your vendor and opens the vendor
Learn how to use magtools auto buy/sell feature (first timer thread will have link to documentation)
Opening the vendor triggers mag auto buy/sell to begin, so to finish use a timer of 45-60 seconds or however long an average sale is for you (using mag) and have Seconds in recomp state >= ## - Set Meta state "Return"

Inside Return state have a navroute that brings you back to your hunting location, use a landcell trigger inside the Return State to activate your hunting route once you arrive + switch back to default to start listening all over at the beginning

Be wary you may need to turn on/off buffing/combat during your recomp stages then turn back on when you reload the hunting route/return to default, otherwise you might keep killing chickens and rabbits on your way to sell/recomp.

Trial and error. If you have issues let us know, but try to use the Repository metas as reference and read all information on here to help you, especially in the First Time thread.

Re: Possible to make a money maker?

Posted: September 24th, 2014, 5:50 pm
by Immortalbob
I went ahead and moved this to the meta forum. I'll leave the shadow topic in place for a few days so the OP can find it.

Re: Possible to make a money maker?

Posted: September 24th, 2014, 8:08 pm
by Pigfish
Thanks for moving this post, and sorry for posting in the wrong area. I never was any good with forums, they yell at me sometimes for necro posts too (not here) and I don't understand that concept so I feel really stupid lol. :oops: if a post is relevant to an old topic made a week ago why would it be bad to post right?

anyway Im sorry, I'll try to be more careful. thanks for the tips on quests i didn't know they make money, i just came back to the game.

Re: Possible to make a money maker?

Posted: September 26th, 2014, 8:08 pm
by Dmdtt
I did some testing recently with macros that farm salvage to fill 75k bags then sell when full. at one location I was able to get about 430mmds per day average. granted this is with full salvage augs and over 300 salv skill. without these I would expect around 180-200mmds per day.

you would need to make a meta that has a runback on death to your hunting location with tie in to recomp and sell salvage when full. I suggest using magtools for selling the salvage with a lootprofile you can find more info about how to setup the auto buy/sell at

also need a vtank loot profile to salvage based on $$$ lootsnob has the option built in at the bottom of the profile. make sure to set all the combination values to 75k in the secondary tab of the looter.

Re: Possible to make a money maker?

Posted: November 12th, 2014, 8:40 pm
by ioconnor
Thanks. I did not know about the 75k limit. Now I have gone over to the second tab and have clicked on the checkbox "Combine for value up to" and changed it from the default of 390,000 to 75,000.

The problem is how do I do this as a default value for any salvage that I pick up. I don't want to specify each salvage and the dollar value...