Cant get this to work simple Meta

Unofficial support for the creating and editing of metas.
Posts: 4

Cant get this to work simple Meta

Post #1 »

I need help on this simple meta cant seem to get it running.
its doesnt like to stay in 1 state just keeps jumping to diff states

2016-09-11 (3).png
2016-09-11 (3).png (418.75 KiB) Viewed 10245 times

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Post #2 »

its tripping vendor closed before it navs to a vendor.
Immortalbob of MT

Posts: 4

Post #3 »

i dropped it down and its doing the same thing keeps bouncing back and forth to all the states
and nothing highlights to RED

Posts: 128

Post #4 »

Looks to me like you have fewer than 10 free packspaces in default so it jumps to vendor. Since vendor is closed it jumps to back. Since back has an always statement to jump to default it does.

Posts: 128

Post #5 »

Probably have your Packslots <=10 set meta state NavToVendor or something. NavToVendor can run navroute. On Navroute empty and landcell= you can go to a new state where you close the vendor and look for vendor closed to set meta state: back

Posts: 4

Post #6 »

seems to be working other then the fact he doesnt want to LS recall for some reason.
I have LS recall set at the top of my route so wen he has 10 or less bag space he ports out a runs to the vendor

Posts: 271

Post #7 »

I suggest having the LS recall as its own route so route with 2 pts ls recall and 25s pause then when you get to the landblock of your LS have a separate rule landblock== and have that rule load route to go and talk to vendor.