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Introduction and Quick Question

Posted: July 30th, 2016, 4:12 am
by InnerSpyre
Greetings All,

Just joining the forums here, and am a returning player, but I've been playing AC on and off since 2001. Tons of changes and VTank support\expansion! Wow! My brain is a little mushy from taking it all in.

I just started looking into Metas, and I'm one of those people that just dives in and does things to figure out how they work, and I have this thing I'm hoping I can do, but it will only work if variables are stored in a way that they're accessible across accounts. Well, it won't only work that way, but it would be more efficient.

So, if I set a variable:

setvar[navPath, 0]

And then at some point later in the meta change it:

setvar[navPath, getvar[navPath]+1]

Is it possible for a separate account, running the same meta, to see the change to that variable? Is there a way to store that variable into a file that the separate account could read if not?

Thank you in advance, and also - thank you all for everything I've learned about metas over the past week! My first meta does what I want it to do! It took a week of making navs, and stealing code from Immortal Bob (thanks...;) ), but it works, and I'm pretty proud of it. It could probably be cleaner, but I'll worry about that later. The point is, I couldn't have done it at all without this forum. :)



Re: Introduction and Quick Question

Posted: July 30th, 2016, 7:09 am
by Joeblow8579
I'm pretty sure only the single client has access to the variable. The variable is stored client-side, after all. For the other client to have access to it, it would have to be stored on virindi's server.

An easy way to keep track of something like that is to use a chat message. If your toon says "Route __ " or something to that effect then each other client that parse that statement and increment the variable according to whats in the chat message. The tricky part will be making sure each client doesn't send that message at each route finish. You could accomplish this by using a "leader" binary variable where only if the leader variable is 1 does it send out the message. See Dmdtt's auto colo meta for an example of this.

Re: Introduction and Quick Question

Posted: July 30th, 2016, 5:05 pm
by HellsWrath
Joe is correct, variables are per client, and persist until logout or manually cleared.

You will have to echo commands to each character so they can set their own variables.

Re: Introduction and Quick Question

Posted: July 31st, 2016, 12:28 am
by InnerSpyre
Thank you Joe and HellsWrath,

I kind of figured that was the case, but thought I would ask, in case one of you meta ninjas had tricks up your sleeves...;)

Thank you for the chat trigger idea! I wouldn't have thought of that. It won't help for my current setup, but it may in the future, and I will certainly keep that in mind for future metas.

TT Y'all L


Re: Introduction and Quick Question

Posted: August 1st, 2016, 12:27 am
by InnerSpyre
We've settled the cross account variable access, and that has given rise to another question, that I'm afraid I know the answer to; are variables only accessible by the character that created it? I.E. if that character logs off, and a different character on the same account logs in, will the variable reset?

I've tried looking for a way I can test this manually in the forums, by just setting a variable, logging off, and then logging back in to check it, but I haven't found a way to set\check\test expressions. Please let me know if there is, or how I might go about doing that.

If the variable disappears on log off, is there a way to have mag-filter set a variable when it logs in the next character?

Thank you again in advance,


Re: Introduction and Quick Question

Posted: August 1st, 2016, 12:50 am
by InnerSpyre
I just re-read Hell's Wrath's sticky about expressions, and right there, in the very first post, is this:

""/vt mexec" allows you to test any expression (if you set a variable this way it is the same as using a meta rule)"


I can't count the number of times I've visited that thread this week...

I'll go test my question now, thanks.


Re: Introduction and Quick Question

Posted: August 1st, 2016, 1:21 am
by InnerSpyre
I have answered my own question, and sadly, I already knew the answer. I'm hoping I can take advantage of the /vt mexec command however, and have mag-filter set a variable for me. I'll keep y'all posted. :)


Re: Introduction and Quick Question

Posted: August 8th, 2016, 10:06 pm
by InnerSpyre
I just wanted to update everyone that may be following this thread. I've been getting feedback on a different thread for what I'm trying to do, but so far, nothing has worked. Mag-Filter strips []'s and numbers, so setting a variable with /mf commands doesn't work. Yaroz suggested creating a new state that sets the variable, and then have that state switch to the default state. When the command is issued to set the meta state however, I get an error:

[VTank] Warning: Attempted to set an unused state. Setting to default instead.

So that's not working either. Now I'm looking at creating metas that set my variable, and then load the meta I actually want.

If anyone has any other ideas, they are more than welcome. :)



Re: Introduction and Quick Question

Posted: August 8th, 2016, 11:01 pm
by InnerSpyre
Creating metas that set my variable, and then load the meta I want works. It's really hokey, but it works.

Sadly, because my variable has a range of 4, I had to create 4 different metas to set a variable at login, in order for the primary meta to do things based on that variable.

Thanks again for everyone's help! Now to figure out how to count things in my inventory...
